MGTA Membership
Membership in the Midwest Global Trade Association provides a number of benefits.
Membership is open to business people from Minnesota and neighboring states who share an interest in international business opportunities. For an explanation of membership categories, please refer to the member types listed below. MGTA reviews all applications for membership and reserves the right to deny membership to those individuals who do not meet the criteria for membership as specified in the membership requirements.
MGTA offers a rolling membership, meaning your membership begins on the date your application is approved and payment is processed, and extends for one year. Dues may be deductible as membership in a professional association on your income tax forms. Consult your tax advisor for more information. To receive member rates for an event, you must first become a member, and then register for the event(s). These will be two separate transactions.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
Options to Join
- Choose the member type and complete the online application and pay with credit card or create an invoice.
- IMPORTANT: Membership will not be active until payment is received.
- If you choose the invoice option, you will need to pay in 30 days or your application will be removed from the database.
- If you would like to sign up as a non-member guest, please register as a Non-Member type.
- You will be able to log in and register for MGTA events but you will not have access to member benefits or member information.
Accepted Credit Cards

Whole Organization
- All members of the organization are considered members of the MGTA if registered individually under membership with MGTA registration authority or able to provide valid organizational identification upon registration for events.
- Voting rights: Eight representatives registered with the MGTA may have voting rights, and remaining members are excluded from voting.
- Username/password to resources including online member directory.
- May attend annual meeting and events at member rate*.
- If a representative of an organization leaves the organization for any reason, that individual will no longer be considered a member. The former representative may then purchase an individual membership or qualify under other membership class. Without such qualifying membership, the former representative will be required to pay non-member rates to annual meeting and events.
- *Subject to limitations at annual meeting as determined by the Board from year to year.
- Voting rights: one vote per representative.
- Username/password to resources including online member directory.
- May attend annual meeting and events at member rate.
- Membership is specifically designated to the representative named by the organization and registered with the MGTA (named representatives cannot allow an unnamed representative attend annual meeting or events at member rate).
- Membership may be transferred from one representative to another within the organization a limit of one time per membership year.
- If a representative leaves the organization, the membership belongs to the organization and may be assigned to a different representative within the organization.
- If a representative of an organization leaves the organization for any reason, that individual will no longer be considered a member. The former representative may then purchase an individual membership or qualify under another membership class. Without such qualifying membership, the former representative will be required to pay non-member rates to annual meeting and events.
- Voting rights: one vote.
- Username/password to resources including online member directory.
- May attend annual meeting and events at member rate.
- Membership is specifically designated to the individual named on the membership.
- Benefits of the member cannot be transferred to another individual (named individual cannot allow unnamed individual to attend annual meeting or events at member rate).
- Voting rights: excluded.
- Username/password to resources including online member directory.
- May attend annual meeting and events at specified student rate otherwise at member rate.
- Membership is specifically designated to the individual named on the membership.
- Benefits of the member cannot be transferred to another individual (named individual cannot allow unnamed individual to attend annual meeting or events at member rate).
- Students must have a student identification or a letter from an institutional official indicating that the student is a currently a full-time student at that institution.
- All students of a member university or college are considered members if registered individually under membership with MGTA registration authority or able to provide valid student identification, or a letter from a college official, indicating in either case that the student is currently a full-time student at that institution.
- University/College members are considered Student Members.
- Voting rights: excluded.
- Username/password to resources including online member directory.
- May attend annual meeting and events at specified student rate otherwise at member rate.
- One free student membership included for the Faculty Sponsor if registered individually under membership with MGTA registration authority.
- Additional Faculty members may obtain membership through the other membership classes.
- *Subject to limitations at Annual Meeting as determined by the Board from year to year.